Online Program


Hanacpachap cussicuinin

Peruvian 16th c.   

Xichochi conetzintle

Gaspar Fernandes 

Tleycantimo choquiliya

Gaspar Fernandes 


Nun komm der Heiden Heiland

Michael Praetorius

Laura Arnow, Jody Lee, Frank Raab

Laura Frank, David Canright

Mark Stevens, Michael Russell


Verbum caro factum est

Hieronymus Praetorius

Ursi Frei, Laura Arnow

Laura Frank, Mark Stevens

Igor Poklad, Francis Toldi

Carleton Macy



Vom Himmel hoch

Michael Praetorius

Elaine DeMarco, Judi Moncrieff, Laura Arnow

Francis Toldi


A solis ortus

Balthasar Resinarius

Laura Frank, Janel Yamasaki

Russell Frank, Troy Brunke



In ecclesiis

Giovanni Gabrieli

Jody Lee, Laura Frank

David Canright, Mark Stevens




Michael Praetorius

Greg Smith, Francis Toldi

Michael Cushing, Suzanne Mudge, John Thomas

Loud Band



Anonymous 16 c.

Jody Lee, Mark Stevens


Magnificat a 14

Giovanni Gabrieli


Sonata XXI per tre violini

Giovanni Gabrieli

Elizabeth Gaver, Jackie Pierce, Nona Childress

Penny Hanna


In dulci jubilo

Michael Praetorius

I: Hanacpachap cussicuinin

Heaven's joy!

a thousand times shall we praise you.

O tree bearing thrice-blessed fruit,

O hope of humankind,

helper of the weak.

hear our prayer!

Attend to our pleas,

O column of ivory, Mother of God!

Beautiful iris, yellow and white,

receive this song we offer you;

come to our assistance,

show us the Fruit of your womb!

Xichochi conetzintle

Gently sleep, little Child.

Cry no more, for the angels are here.


Tleycantimo choquiliya


Elaine DeMarco, Troy Brunke

Let us sing to this little one our joys, our love, alleluya! 

Leave off your sobbing, look at the mule and the ox! 

don't moan, my little king, my very life! 

O child so lovely to look at, with the face of a rose, 

I don't know why you should be sad. 

(Duet) Jesus of my heart, don't cry, don't cry, my dream-come-true!

Let us sing to this little one our joys, our love, alleluya!

(Translation Juan Pedro Gaffney R.)

II: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland

1. Now come, Savior of the nations,

The Virgin’s child made known,

That all the world may marvel

God has ordained such a birth for Him.

Frank Raab

Praise be to God the Father,

Praise be to His only Son,

Praise be to God the Holy Spirit,

Now and forevermore.

2. Not by human blood or flesh,

But by the Holy Spirit alone,

God’s Word became a man

And blossomed as fruit of woman’s flesh.

Laura Arnow, Jody Lee, Frank Raab

Praise be to God the Father …

3. The Virgin’s body was pregnant,

Yet chastity remained pure.

Virtues shone forth brightly,

As God took His throne within.

Michael Russell

4. He came forth from His chamber,

The royal hall so pure,

God by nature and man, a hero,

He hurried to run His course.

Laura Frank, David Canright, Mark Stevens, Frank Raab

Praise be to God the Father …

5. His journey came from the Father

And returns again to the Father.

He descended into Hell

And rose again to God’s seat.

Laura Frank, David Canright, Mark Stevens, Frank Raab

Praise be to God the Father …

6. You, who are equal to the Father,

Bring victory in the flesh,

So that Your eternal divine power

May sustain our frail flesh. 

Laura Arnow, Jody Lee, Michael Russell

Laura Frank, David Canright, Mark Stevens, Frank Raab

Praise be to God the Father …

III: Verbum caro factum est  (instrumental)

Recorder septet:

Ursi Frei, Laura Arnow: Alto

Laura Frank, Mark Stevens: Tenor

Francis Toldi, Igor Poklad: Bass

Carleton Macy: Great bass

(The Word was made flesh

And dwelt among us,

And we saw His glory,

The glory as of the only-begotten of the Father,

Full of grace and truth.)

IV: Vom Himmel hoch


Elaine DeMarco, Judi Mondrief, Laura Arnow: Sopranos

Francis Toldi: Dulcian

From heaven above to earth I come

To bring good news to ev'ry home;

Glad tidings of great joy I bring,

Whereof I now will say and sing.

VI: A solis ortus (Instrumental)

Viola da gamba quartet:

Laura Frank, Janel Yamasaki, Russell Frank, Troy Brunke

(From the rising of the sun

To the farthest boundary of the earth,

Let us sing of Christ the Prince,

Born of the Virgin Mary.)

VII: In ecclesiis


Jody Lee, Laura Frank, David Canright, Mark Stevens

In the churches, bless the Lord. Alleluia.

In every place of His dominion, bless the Lord, O my soul. Alleluia.

In God is my salvation and my glory.

The Lord is my help, and my hope is in God. Alleluia.

Our God, we call upon You, we adore You.

Free us, revive us, Alleluia.

God, our helper forever. Alleluia.

VIII: Branles

Loud band

Greg Smith, natural trumpet

Francis Toldi, shawm

Michael Cushing, Suzanne Mudge, John Thomas: Sackbuts

IX: Gaudete!


Jody Lee, Mark Stevens

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Christ is born of the Virgin Mary.


The time of grace is here, that which we have longed for;

Let us devoutly offer songs of joy.

God has become man, to the wonder of nature;

The world is renewed by Christ's reign.

The closed gate of Ezekiel is passed through;

From where the light has arisen, salvation is found.

Therefore, let our assembly sing now in harmony;

Bless the Lord; hail to our King.

IX: Magnificat a 14


Mark Stevens

1 My soul magnifies the Lord,

2 and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.

3 For He has regarded the humility of His handmaid:

behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.

4 For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name.

5 His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him.

6 He has shown strength with His arm;

He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.

7 He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the humble.

8 He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty.

9 He has helped His servant Israel, remembering His mercy,

10 as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants forever.

11 Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,

12 as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

X: Sonata XXI per tre violini


Elizabeth Gaver, Nona Childress, Jackie Pierce

Viola da gamba:

Penny Hanna

XI: In dulci jubilo

1. In sweet jubilation,

Now sing and be glad!

Our heart’s joy lies

In the manger,

And shines like the sun

In the mother’s lap.

You are Alpha and Omega!

2. O little Jesus,

I long so much for You!

Comfort my soul,

O most excellent boy,

Through all Your goodness,

O Prince of Glory.

Draw me after You!

3. O love of the Father!

O gentleness of the Son!

We would all be lost (ruined)

Through our sins,

So He has gained for us

The joys of heaven.

Ah, if only we were there!

4. Where are the joys

Nowhere more than there!

There, the angels sing

New songs,

And the bells ring

In the King’s court.

Ah, if only we were there!


And the Pastyme Consort

Personae Musicae



Laura Arnow, Elaine DeMarco, Jody Lee

Marilyn Maxner, Judi Moncrief 


Nona Childress, Laura Frank, 

MaryClare Martin, Kellie Morgantini


David Canright, Robin Jensen

Ed Moncrief, Mark Stevens


Russell Frank, John Heyl, Andrew Passell

Frank Raab, Michael Russell, Francis Toldi

Violin and viola

Elizabeth Gaver, Nona Childress, Jackie Pierce

Viola da Gamba

Troy Brunke, Elaine DeMarco,

Laura Frank, Russell Frank

Penny Hanna, Janel Yamasaki


Laura Arnow, Laura Frank, Ursi Frei

Carleton Macy, Igor Poklad

Mark Stevens, Francis Toldi


Michael Cushing, Sue Mudge, John Thomas

Natural Trumpet

Greg Smith

Dulcians and shawm

Francis Toldi


Lucy Faridany


Mike Novo

Music Director

Jefferson DeMarco


David Canright for rehearsal midi files. Kellie Morgantini for publicity. Sucha Becky for poster design and graphics.

Troy Brunke and All Saints’ Episcopal for the use of the facilities. Bethlehem Lutheran Church for rehearsal space. Francis Toldi for use of his Renaissance recorders and sponsoring the sackbuts.