Online Program


Magnificat super Angelus ad pastores ait

Michael Praetorius


Nowell, Tidings True

Anon. 15th c.

Troy Brunke, Tenor, Elaine DeMarco, Soprano


Ave Maria

Attrib. Tomas Luis de Victoria

Ave Maria (Virgo Serena)

Josquin des Prez/Anon.


O Virgen

Virgen Sancta

Francisco Guerrero

Laura Frank, Alto


Dixit Maria

Hans Leo Hassler



Maria, Dolce Maria

Francesca Caccini

Jody Lee, Soprano


Bogoroditse Devo

Belorussian Liturgical

Arr. Jefferson DeMarco


Glory Sey Gott (Missa Gantz Deutsch)

Michael Praetorius

I: Magnificat super Angelus ad pastores ait

Solo Quintet:

Laura Arnow, Laura Frank, David Canright, Mark Stevens, Frank Raab

My soul doth magnify the Lord, 

and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior.

A child is born in Bethlehem, therefore Jerusalem rejoices: 

rejoice in the Lord in this new year. 

A child is born in Bethlehem in this year, 

therefore Jerusalem rejoices: let us give thanks this new year, 

let us worship the son with jubilant heart, 

let us adore the newborn Christ with a new song. 

For he that is mighty hath made me great, 

and holy is his name.

On the Lord’s birthday, the pure angels rejoice, 

the joyful hosts sing, now glory be to God. 

God became man, God is now appeased, 

for us sinners. 

He hath shown strength with his arm: 

he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 

Heart, mind and spirit rejoice at this time, 

and all our blood  is so stirred that our mouths 

can in no ways keep secret, O Christ, thy mighty deed: 

thou hast descended from thy father’s bosom, 

my heart’s little child, my beloved little babe, 

Jesus, O Jesus.

The hungry he hath filled with good things, 

and the rich he hath sent empty away. 

Today worthy Christendom with all the angels 

praises God’s boundless mercy to us, poor worms, 

revealed in his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, 

from whom we have joy and pleasure as from the sun itself, 

for all time. 

As it was promised to our forefathers, 

Abraham and his seed forever. 

From heaven comes flying a new angel, 

a new child is born on earth: 

with joy let us thank the Lord of all things. 

As it was in the beginning, is now, and forever 

shall be, world without end. Amen. 

A babe is born to us, proceeding from a virgin, 

whom the angels praise and we servants give thanks, 

glory be to the Trinity for evermore.

II: Nowell, Tidings True 

Elaine DeMarco, Troy Brunke

Tidings true there be come new, Sent from the Trinity,

By Gabriel to Nazareth, city of Galilee;

A clean maiden and pure virgin,

Through her humility,

Conceived the Person Second in Divinity.

When he first presented was, before her fair visage,

In most demure and goodly wise, He did to her homage,

And said, "Lady, from heaven so high,

That Lordes heritage,

The which of thee born would be, I am sent on message."

"Hail, Virgin celestial, The meekest that ever was;

Hail, temple of Deity, And mirror of all grace;

Hail, Virgin pure, I thee ensure,

Within full little space,

Thou shalt receive and him conceive, That shall bring great solace."

Suddenly she, abashed truly, But not all thing dismayed,

With mind discreet and meek spirit, To the angel she said:

"By what manner should I child bare,

The which ever a maid,

Have lived chaste, all my life past, And never man assayed?

Then again to her certain, Answered the angel,

"O Lady dear, be of good cheer, And dread thee ne’er a dell,

Thou shalt conceive in thy body,

Maiden, very God himself,

In whose birth heaven and earth shall joy, Called Emanuell."

Than bespake the Virgin again, She answered womanly,

What e’er my Lord command me do, I will obey meekly,

“Ecce sum humilima,

Ancilla Domini;

Secundum verbum tuum," She said, "Fiat Mihi."

III: Ave Maria

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;

blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus [Christ].

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death. Amen

Ave Maria (Virgo Serena)

Hail Mary, full of grace,

The Lord is with thee, serene Virgin.

Hail, thou whose Conception,

Full of great joy,

Fills heaven and earth

With new gladness.

Hail, thou whose Nativity

Became our great celebration,

As the light-bearing Morning Star

anticipates the true Sun.

Hail, faithful humility,

Fruitful without man,

Whose Annunciation

Was our salvation.

Hail, true virginity,

Immaculate chastity,

Whose Purification

Was our cleansing.

Hail, glorious one

In all angelic virtues,

Whose Assumption

Was our glorification.

O Mother of God,

Remember me. 


IV: O Virgen

O Virgin, when I see you

My soul is filled with joy when I see you, Virgin. 

My chest is so sad, but it does not rest. 

For this reason, I sigh, seeking my joy, 

which only you give to my soul.

O Virgin, your eyes

Your eyes are stars that brighten my sadness. 

Such wealth does not fit in my chest.

For this reason, I sigh, seeking my joy, 

which only you give to my soul.

Virgen Sancta

Laura Frank

Holy virgin, the king of heaven,

your son and our savior,

How can he be in a little manger

in tiny Bethlehem?

The son of God eternal

that rules over the creation

is laying in a manger

in the middle of the winter.

Great lady, your beloved,

light of the sky and our savior,

How can he be in a little manger

in tiny Bethlehem?

The divine beauty

Whom heaven and earth adore

Dwells in a manger

As a poor creature

In such lowliness

So much greatness and our good!

How can he be in a little manger

in tiny Bethlehem?

VI: Maria, Dolce Maria

Jody Lee

Maria, sweet Maria, whose name is so lovely,

that to utter it takes your heart to Paradise.

Sacred and holy name,

you inflame my heart with celestial love.

‘Mary,’ I ever sing,

neither can my tongue deliver from my breast

any happier word

than when I say, ‘Mary.’

Name which tempers and consoles every sorrow,

calm voice which assuages every disquiet,

which composes every heart, which gladdens every soul.

VII: Bogoroditse Devo

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos,

Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.

Blessed art Thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb,

for Thou hast borne the Savior of our souls.

Glory Sey Gott

Choir 1: Jody Lee, Laura Frank, Mark Stevens, Frank Raab

Choir 2: Judi Moncrief, Chris Shiber, David Canright, Michael Russell

Glory be to God in the highest, 

And on earth peace, 

Good will to mankind. 

We praise Thee, 

We worship Thee, 

We glorify Thee, 

We give thanks to Thee 

For Thy great Glory. 

Lord God, Heavenly King, 

God, Almighty Father, 

Lord only begotten Son, 

Jesus Christ 

Thee all highest,

Lord God, Lamb of God 

Only Son of the Father.  

Thou that takes away the sins of the world, 

Have mercy upon us. 

Thou that takes away the sins of the world, 

Hear our prayer, 

Thou that sits at the right hand of God,

 Have mercy upon us.  

For Thou only art holy, 

Thou only art the Lord, 

Thou art the most high Jesus Christ, 

Together with the Holy Ghost 

In the glory of God the Father.  



And the Pastyme Consort



Laura Arnow, Elaine DeMarco, Jody Lee

Marilyn Maxner, Judi Moncrief 


Nona Childress, Laura Frank, 

MaryClare Martin, Kellie Morgantini

Chris Shiber


David Canright, Robin Jensen

Ed Moncrief, Mark Stevens


Russell Frank, John Heyl

Frank Raab, Michael Russell, Francis Toldi


Elizabeth Gaver, Nona Childress

Viola da Gamba

Troy Brunke, Elaine DeMarco

Laura Frank, Russell Frank, Penny Hanna


Ursi Frei, Carleton Macy, Igor Poklad


Francis Toldi


Kathy Kirkwood


Mike Novo

Music Director

Jefferson DeMarco